Venus The Roman Goddess of Love, Beauty, Sex, Fertility, Desire and Prosperity I Spellcast this Gorgeous Heart Ring to align you directly with the Power of the ultimate Love Goddess, Venus! Use it to increase love, find your true Soul Mate/Twin Flame, enhance & strengthen Romantic Relationships between you and your partner. Use it for ALL matters relating to the Heart! She not only helps in this area, but brings good luck & prosperity, dissolves negative energy, ushers in peace & harmony and has the ability to manifest any of your wishes! Invite the potent energies of this Beautiful Roman Goddess to work for you! Welcome this Magick Ring and you will be able to effectively influence the following areas in your life: *have greater compassion *learn forgiveness, to love again after a heartbreak *soothe a broken heart *find a soul mate or strengthen the bonds within your current relationship *feel more peaceful *have restful slumber *enhance your inner beauty *enhance your outer beauty; bringing a youthful glow *make your Aura radiant & desirable *increase your sexual prowess *increase your creativity *break free from ruts and old negative patterns that are holding you down *stick to an exercise regimen or break addictive habits *attract prosperity *ignite passion *bring playfulness and wonder into your life *& much more which will be personal to you! The Most Rewarding aspect of this Ring is that Venus’ Radiating and Unconditional Love Energy will assist you in loving yourself so that you can truly, deeply and fully love others. If you are one that always puts others first (most Mothers do this!), eat last or skip meals, go without so others can have, rarely allow time for yourself, try to keep harmony despite your feelings, etc., Venus has brought you here today to tell you that you need to connect with her through this ring so she can enrich YOUR life! Wear this ring as a sweet reminder that you deserve to be pampered! I personally Spellcast this ring during the New Moon using Pure White-Light Energy, United with the Power of the Planet Venus & Aligned with the Energies of the Goddess Venus. This Ring is in tune with the Universe and Nature and will Cosmically align with the Energies of the specific individual that wears it. You do not have to have any special abilities and there is no formal ritual you need to perform, simply wear & enjoy! This is a gorgeous double Heart Ring composed of stainless steel with a gold-colored heart in the middle. *note: any colors you see are reflections from my camera. Please choose your size from the drop-down menu. All information will be included in your shipment.
Venus Goddess of Love, Sex, Beauty & More Heart Ring
$49.99 Regular Price
$35.00Sale Price