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Thoth Spells of Manifestation Pyramid Ring
Thoth Spells of
Manifestation Pyramid
This Ring was imbued by my Occult Associate, Maantefin, in Cairo, Egypt, utilizing Secret Spell Codes from the Book of the Dead and blessed at the Temple of Thoth.

Thoth was Ancient Egypt’s God of the Moon, Magick and Writing. He was One of the Most Important Deities of the Egyptian Pantheon and depicted with the head of an Ibis. It is written in Several Ancient texts that Thoth understood the Mysteries of the heavens and revealed them by inscribing them in Sacred books, which he then hid within a Secret tomb that has yet to be found. Some of these sacred books are referred to as the 42 Books of Instructions or the 42 Books of Thoth, which describe the instructions for achieving Immortality. Within the pages he shares his fabulous knowledge of Magick and Incantation with the Assurance that Anyone who reads these Sacred books will become the Most Powerful Magician in the World. He uncovers the Secrets of the Gods themselves and All that is hidden in the Stars!

Thoth was credited by the ancient Egyptians as the inventor of writing, and he was also the inventor of the Spells in the Book of the Dead. Because of these reasons, Thoth was universally worshipped by Ancient Egyptian Scribes. He was the master architect who created the blueprint of our reality based on the patterns of sacred geometry. Thoth played a crucial role in the design and orientation of many famous pyramids and temples.

The Thoth Spells of Manifestation work with the Universal Forces to change Fate in your Favor! Wealth, Riches, Love, Power, Success…..there is no Limit to what you can Accomplish & Achieve! You can also use it to connect with Thoth; he helps with Divine Magick, Life Purpose, Mathematics, Prophecy & Divination, Psychic Abilities, Sacred Geometry, Teaching & Writing.

Your purchase is for 1 Thoth Manifesting Ring composed of solid .925 sterling silver featuring a small pyramid that is about ½” in size. Wear, carry with you or keep someplace special to receive the blessings of Thoth!

All information will be included in your shipment. Thank you for your consideration! Warmest blessings!

Thoth Spells of Manifestation Pyramid Ring

$49.99 Regular Price
$35.00Sale Price

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