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Spellcast Voodoo Lwa Money Prosperity Wealth Portal Ring
This amazing Magick Ring is from my associate, P. Jean, a Haitian Vodou Huongan Asogwe (High Priest) who resides in Louisiana. He is head of an Underground Society which practices Voodoo based on the Secret teachings of Marie Laveau’s personal invocations and rites, with roots in Haitian and African Magick. It takes him several days & nights of fasting and entering a Voodoo trance to open the Gates to the Spirit World and become one with Lwa. There are offerings of food & drink, accompanied by a Sacred Voodoo Skeleton dance to the sound of heavy drums, which induces an altered state of consciousness. This is some of the Best African Voodoo Magick in existence!
This Ring was Spellcast with 7 powerful Voodoo Financial Spells. These Spells cover all areas of money and wealth, helping to get you out of debt and on the path to building real financial security. These Spells open doors to newfound avenues of obtaining wealth from all reaches of the Universe. It brings gambling luck through powerful unseen forces and extreme Spiritual advantages to those who play lottos. It will lead you down the best, most prosperous path so you can seize the opportunities that are most advantageous for you. Others will look at you with newfound admiration and respect, and possibly be a bit jealous at your good fortune. But do not worry, these Spells also help stop the Evil/Jealous Eye and other’s negative energies will not affect you. You can feel happy and confident in the knowledge that good things will be just ahead for you, and you can enjoy them with the people you care most about. You’ll be able to purchase the car, house, boat, or anything of your dreams! Obstacles will be obliterated and you can move forward unimpeded. You will gain amazing clarity and insight into having your money work for you- being led to strong investments and amazing deals. Excessive abundance is out there just waiting for you to tap into its vast blessings!
This Ring is also a Portal to all of the Voodou Loa/Lwa family pantheon who govern Financial matters, and will align your desires with those who can best help you regarding each of your unique situations. If you are seeking a new job or a raise in your current career, then Papa Legba will come forward to assist you. If you have trouble with debts, then Damballah Wedo will help get those paid down, make others more understanding, and resolve all money issues. If you need quick wealth assistance, then Mama Ezili Danto will come forward to get you fast cash. Many times people petition the wrong Lwa for assistance, but that won’t happen with this Ring. It knows exactly who you need and he or she will eagerly come forward to assist you, providing you the best possible outcome. The Lwa know how to get to the root cause of any of your financial issues, and in turn, this will lead to an endless flow of wealth and riches. You can either mentally or verbally state your wishes into the Ring and all of the Voodoo Elite will start making them happen for you, or do nothing and they will automatically read your hearts desires and start bringing them to you!
This Ring features a Green Voodoo Eye of Wealth & Protection set in stainless steel. Please choose your size from the drop-down menu.  If your size is sold out, let us know and we will create one in your size for you.  Does not have to be worn to work as simply owning it will bestow you its gifts.
  All information will be included in your shipment.

Spellcast Voodoo Lwa Money Prosperity Wealth Portal Ring

$227.77 Regular Price
$159.44Sale Price

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