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Lucky Wealth Buddha Money Multiplier Amulet
Lucky Wealth
Buddha Money Multiplier

This Lucky Buddha was Spell Cast by an old Chinese Sorcerer to bring the bearer Good Luck, Wealth & Fortunes, Success, Blessings and Happiness.

Hotei is the laughing Buddha of happiness that grants wealth blessings. He carries a sack of treats & gifts, demonstrating his generous, abundant nature. He brings the auspicious energy of success, joy & wellbeing. He enhances wealth, success, good health, good luck, abundance and career ambitions. He will help you Balance and organize your life, Find Inner Joy & Peace, and Attain Deep Spiritual Growth & Understanding. He will benefit you by bestowing his blessings within your mind, developing peaceful and virtuous states.

Buddha will help bring you wealth and riches of a luxurious lifestyle. His energy is attuned to that of money, riches, lavish assets, gold, jewels and hidden treasures and he can bring them directly to you. He will multiply your money over and over, without end. If you are seeking a new job or career, he will open those doors to the best opportunities for you. So you can use your creative talents and soul’s purpose in the best ways possible, while earning vast amounts of money in the process.  If you goal is not to work and win or gain millions, he can place you on the path to becoming the millionaire or billionaire of your dreams.

This unique amulet is also a Wealth Bringer; meaning, wherever you take it, it will automatically attract excess money to you, especially banks, casinos, gambling luck and other financial hubs. He will help you win lottery, gambling and games of chance.  There is no limit to what the Lucky Buddha can do for you!

Your purchase is for 1 Lucky Buddha Amulet, composed of heavy glass with gold colored shimmers. Your choice of color:  pink, amber/orange, black, red or purple grape (not shown).  *other colors shown are sold out. Please make your color choice from the drop-down menu.  A tied black leather Recharging cord is included.  

All information will be included in your shipment, including a spell cast money candle and wealth drawing incense.

Lucky Wealth Buddha Money Multiplier Amulet

$79.99 Regular Price
$56.00Sale Price

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