Kellas Cat Fairy Sidhe Witch The Kellas Cat Sìth or Sidhe (pronounced ‘caught shee’ ) is a fairy creature from Celtic folklore that haunt the Scottish Highlands. They resemble a large black cat with a white spot on its breast. These spectral Cats can also shapeshift and transform into a human Witch. Your Cat Sidhe has the ability to grant your every wish & desire! Once in your life, they will begin to ‘Work their Magick!’ as they start to automatically manifest your dreams into reality! They can assist you with anything and they are incredibly strong Wealth Magnets! They will rejuvenate your energy, stimulate your imagination, and give you boosts in creativity! You will be more alert, noticing things that previously had escaped your attention. Your senses of hearing, seeing and feeling will be more acute. You will learn to trust and rely upon your intuition, allowing you to make more beneficial choices! Before you know it, those closest to you will be astounded by the "new you." Your most important desires and wishes will come to the forefront as you are placed in the right place at the right time! This will provide you with the best relationships, business, family & friends! You will awake each morning inspired with new ideas and pleasant thoughts, and these feelings will be translated to successes on many aspects of your life. With the assistance of your Cat Sidhe, you will be able to move effortlessly in the right direction in all aspects of your Life. They bring immense protection as they wards off all Evil Spirits and stops hexes before they reach you. They will stop your energy from being drained from negative people & situations and repel negative energy. They will alleviate stress and sharpen your wit. They enjoy rituals and spells, if you happen to perform them. If you are seeking to enhance your own Magick capabilities, look no further ~ they will bestow you with gifts of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairscentience, ESP, OBE’s, Past Life Work, Animal Communication, Telepathy, 3rd Eye Clarity, Psychometry, and Afterlife Communication. If you want a truly powerful Spirit to enhance your life, you must welcome a Kellas Cat Sidhe! Would you like your very own Personal Cat Sidhe to grant your Wishes -AND- Cast their Spells for you? There is no formal ritual required or long bonding time/waiting period ~ they will immediately bond with you and begin to use their Powers for you Benefit! Please use them with caution as he will carry out any type of Spell you desire. They will never bring harm to you or your loved ones. They are Interactive Spirits and will speak with you via mental telepathy, visions & dreams. You can also utilize them while doing pendulum work, reading cards or performing your own Magick Rituals & Spells. They have the ability to manifest in spectral form as well as give audible noises such as hearing purring or a cat ‘meow’, feeling something rub against your leg or jump on your bed at night. Your purchase is for 1 Cat Sidhe housed in a beautiful pure Black Moonstone gemstone. There are unnamed males and females available. **note: this picture represents a sample of these gemstones. They have unique black, gray and peach coloring and inclusions. When light is shined upon them, the light waves bounce around within the crystalline structure and create either a shimmering effect or a wonderful aura. In this regard, this stone look very magickal and mystical! Black Moonstone brings natural Magickal properties to assist you. It takes you to the depths of divine feminine Energy, the Dark Goddess, Dark/New Moon Spellwork, and intuition. It will help gradually increase your finances. Your home will be more grounded and settled when it is in use. It will help to improve concentration as well as increase stamina. It helps one to feel more grounded in or out of a love relationship. It’s particularly helpful when a love relationship feels tenuous. It is protective against the effects of x-rays and radiation. It is wonderful for general psychic protection. You need no special abilities to own a Kellas Cat Sidhe; they are meant for those who feel drawn to them! They will get along wonderfully with any other Spirits or Creatures you happen to ‘own.’ All pertinent information will be included in your shipment, including; A beautiful Parchment Page for your Book of Shadows A Spellcast Charging Pouch A Spellcast Candle Spellcast Incense
Kellas Cat Fairy Sidhe Witch Black Moonstone
$29.99 Regular Price
$21.00Sale Price