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Green Sherwood Forest Fairy Faerie Fae Wealth Amulet
Sherwood Forest Fairy
   of Wealth & Abundance
Sherwood Forest is a Royal Forest in Nottinghamshire, England, and is alive with the Magickal Legend of Robin Hood. Deep within this Magickal Forest live the Earth-friendly Fairies of Abundance! These Fairies awaken the Magick of Robin Hood and help bring money to those who need it most! Utilizing the Secret Codes from the Grimoires of my Celtic Ancestors, I am honored to have summoned these very Rare Fairies! They have happily come forward to bless the lives of lucky humans! They work closely with Nature’s herbs, plants, trees and natural resources to bring you a more fulfilling life! They are innate animal lovers, able to speak with them and bring them healing and protection too! All creatures are their brothers and sisters. They will bring you a reverence for Nature you’ve never before experienced!

These Remarkable Fae have access to the never-ending supply of Wealth and Prosperity and will bring these blessings into your life. They are powerful little good luck charms  and bring increased money, financial windfalls, raises, job opportunities and much more! Good news is sure to follow you after your purchase of one of these Fairies!

They wish to inspire you to help others, as well as our Planet, on a Global scale. These would be the perfect Fairies for Indigo/Crystal Children, Healers and Lightworkers. They are concerned at making a difference now so that others will have a better future. They assist those interested in conservation, recycling, and any means to protect the Earth’s resources and are focused on keeping us in a healthy ecosystem. Include them in all of your Money and Abundance Rituals as well as Earth-based Rituals & Spellworkings.
  These tiny Fae emit a twinkling light~ almost like a lightning bug, but green and sparkling. They often give signs through nature, such as a fallen leaf, stacked rocks or twigs, beautiful cloud formations, seeing an unusual bird or insect or any number of other Natural awe-inspiring sights!
  These Seelie Court Fae are so eager to get to know you or any other Fae you may own ~ always Considerate and Eager to make New Friends, they would get along wonderfully with All other Spirits!
  Your purchase is for 1 Sherwood Forest Money Fairy housed in a sparkling Green Swarovski Crystal Amulet with Sterling Silver Bail. They measure slightly under an inch in total length (including bail). There are males and females available. Free silver-plated Recharging Chain included!

  Faeries are Nature’s powerful guardians and can miraculously assist you with anything you desire: granting wishes, increasing your magical abilities, wealth, better relationships, health, career, etc. You will marvel at the messages they impart and your heart will be opened in wondrous ways! Faeries will open up your ‘inner child’ and you will find new inner strength and confidence, as they guide you in treating yourself with greater love and respect. They are naturally inspirational and reassuring and will listen intently to any problems you may wish to discuss with them! Their naturally sweet essence helps you to commune more with nature. Through this Faerie, you will form a deeply personal relationship with the amazing Faerie realm!

All pertinent information will be included in your shipment, including;
A beautiful Parchment Page for your Book of Shadows
A Spellcast Charging Pouch
A Spellcast Candle
Spellcast Incense

  Gender preference or surprise you?:

Green Sherwood Forest Fairy Faerie Fae Wealth Amulet

$49.99 Regular Price
$35.00Sale Price

Customer Appreciation Sale

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