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Goddess Flora Fresh Start Spring Attunement

Spring is a time for planting seeds (both physically and Spiritually) and to be open & receptive to the Universe’s gifts of abundance. The buds and flowers of early May bring to mind the endless cycle of birth, growth, death and rebirth. To create this Chi Ball Attunement, I call upon Roman Spring Goddess Flora to bring her influences of renewal, rebirth and growth. This Spring Attunement brings refreshing Energies for letting go of the past (pain/hurt), clean slate/fresh start, and pursing your true life’s purpose/what you love. There is no better time than now!


This Gentle Energy Attunement will help align your Personal Energy with the following: *bring abundance & prosperity *boost creativity and motivation; helping you develop your natural talents such as writing, painting, singing, acting, etc. *help soften transitions/starting new ventures or starting over/ strength in renewal/rebirth *leads you to the path of your true life’s purpose *bring playful sexual energies, lustfulness, passion & fun erotic pleasures *see new relationships & friendships bloom *help you find your Soulmate or strengthen the bonds with your current love *help you keep a healthy lifestyle; lose weight if need be *help you let go/release any of life’s past tribulations, stress, arguments, traumas or energy drains *ushers in peace, harmony, tranquility and releases stress


If you happen to have any Spring-type Spiritual Entities in your keep, this Attunement will align your energies so you’re better able to connect with them, on the deepest of levels. They will Spiritually sense your welcoming energy and be more receptive to you. This Attunement can be done any time of year and as often as you prefer. You can combine this Attunement with any other Attunement. They will all work effectively together to enhance your life! This Attunement will be delivered via Spiritually distant Chi-ball method. I prepare the energy and send it to you through the Chi Ball. You then receive/open the Chi Ball energy at your convenience, through visualization. This is a service I am providing for you, therefore you will not receive anything in the mail.



Goddess Flora Fresh Start Spring Attunement

$19.99 Regular Price
$14.00Sale Price

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