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Goddess Erzulie Freda Mystic Heart of Love Amulet
Goddess Erzulie
Mystic Heart
of Love

This beautiful amulet was imbued by my associate, P. Jean, a Haitian Vodou Huongan Asogwe (High Priest) who resides in Louisiana. He does not practice the commercialized “Voodoo” that many see when visiting the Bayou, rather, he is head of an Underground Society which practices Voodoo based on the Secret teachings of Marie Laveau’s personal invocations and rites, with roots in Haitian and African Magick. Utilizing the Secret doctrines of Marie Laveau, it takes High Priest P.Jean several days & nights of fasting and entering a Voodoo trance to open the Gates to the Spirit World and become one with the Goddess Erzulie Freda. There are offerings of food & drink to the Loa, accompanied by a Sacred Voodoo Skeleton dance to the sound of heavy drums, which induce an altered state of consciousness in the High Priest. This is some of the Best Voodoo available, so do not welcome this item if you don’t want positive changes in your Life!

This Enchanting Crystal Heart holds the Spirit of the Loa/Lwa Goddess Erzulie Freda. Erzulie Freda, the flirty goddess of love, sex, passion, beauty, jewelry, dancing, riches, luxury, and flowers and is renowned for her generosity. The arts, especially dance, are her specialty. It does not matter your religious beliefs, she will bless anyone open to asking her for assistance.

Erzulie can help you with any issues! She can work her Love Magick through this Crystal Heart to bring you your lover or soul-mate, or renew and enhance the passion in your current relationship. She is very flirtatious and can make you irresistible to the one you desire! Her very presence nullifies poison and evil magick, and she can stop evil Spirits in their tracks! She has the wealth of the World at her fingertips and can bless you with riches, success, good luck, and inspirational, creative ideas. She offers immense protection and limitless possibliies for wish manifestation. Share your most intimate wishes with her, and she will change fate in your favor.

More of Erzulie’s blessings include (but not limited to!):

*Brings love, empathy, patience and compassion

*Heals the emotional self & childhood traumas

*Helps you release shame & guilt

*Increases psychic ability and aids in meditation

*Awakens psychic intuition & mysticism

*Increases vivid dreams

*Promotes calm, serenity, and spirituality

*Helps you to remain calm in arguments & resolve disagreements in a loving way

*Brings you new friendships, luck, and happiness

*Helps you end addiction and stress

*Dissipates negative energy

*Restores the natural energy flows of your body

Your purchase is for 1 Erzulie Mystic Heart Swarovski crystal amulet, which measures just under 1 inch in length (including bail). You choose the color you’d like (there is no difference in power between colors): Black, Red, Silver Shadow or Pink. Wear, carry with you or simply keep in a special place. These make Enchanting gifts too! Free silver-plated Recharging Chain included!
Goddess Erzulie’s Veve:


All pertinent information will be included in your shipment, including;
A beautiful Parchment Page for your Book of Shadows
A Spellcast Charging Pouch
A Spellcast Candle
Spellcast Incense

What size chain would you like (18", 20" or 24")?

Goddess Erzulie Freda Mystic Heart of Love Amulet

$49.99 Regular Price
$35.00Sale Price

Customer Appreciation Sale

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