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Blue Geode Apollo Weight Loss Bracelet
Blue Geode Apollo
Weight Loss Bracelet

During a Full Moon Ritual, I utilized the Ancient teachings in my Ancestors Grimoire and Spellcast this beautiful bracelet to assist the bearer with their weight-loss goals. It will help you maintain an exercise regimen, choose healthy foods, quiet cravings and also influence your mental thoughts behind the reasons why you make certain choices. Since everyone is built differently, not every modality such as diet & exercise alone will work for them. This Bracelet will align with each person’s Unique Energy and become stronger in the area(s) that you need help the most, be it cravings, motivation, energy, etc. Many that have worn this bracelet reported not only losing weight, but an overall healthier feeling!

Owning this bracelet gently raises your energy vibrations. Any negative issues regarding food & weight loss that may be stuck in your Aura or Energy Field will be dissolved and released because they can no longer influence you at this higher level.

I’ve also Spellcast this bracelet to align with the vibrational frequency of the Greek God, Apollo. Apollo oversees prophecy, music, light, weight loss and improved health & healing. He’s extremely handsome, with a lean and golden muscular form. He will motivate you to take Excellent care of your body and will help you stick to an exercise regimen. He will assist you with making healthy food choices and increase your motivation to keep your eyes on your goals! Once you have reached your weight loss goals, he will assist you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle! He is eager to assist you with any issues you may have and will intervene when needed ~ consider him your Spiritual personal trainer!

Besides making you healthy, Apollo can also enhance your natural Psychic gifts! He spent a lot of time in Delphi, helping Oracles and Prophets with their divination. He helps psychics & spiritual mediums elevate their gifts to the highest of spiritual frequencies. He can also awaken your Spiritual Gifts, bestow Divine Wisdom & Increase your Spiritual Understanding!

Your purchase is for 1 Spellcast Apollo bracelet with a beautiful raw Blue Geode stone, with the back dipped in a silver coating. The cotton band adjusts to any size wrist so it fits all sizes. *note: the picture represents a sample of the bracelet you will receive; these geodes gems have slight natural variations.  Yours will be chosen at random, but if you really would like to choose one, let us know before purchase. 
If you have been waiting for just the right time to begin your commitment to weight loss, put it off no longer ~ your time is Now! Purchase this Magick Bracelet and start your journey to a healthier, happier YOU!

*Results are best achieved when combined with a diet/healthy eating regimen and daily exercise.

All information will be included in your shipment. Thank you for your consideration! Happiest of blessings! ~xo

Blue Geode Apollo Weight Loss Bracelet

$59.99 Regular Price
$42.00Sale Price

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